(Above: Shelly Worek, class of 2020, in Argentina. Shelly studied abroad in Riva San Vitale)
1. "One piece of advice I would give to incoming Hokies is to try and join as many organizations as possible. Finding the right fit can be hard as an incoming freshman and transitioning into college life does have its challenges but getting involved around campus allows you to make an impact on your community. Virginia Tech is considered home for so many people and getting involved in our community can bring so many opportunities for growth. Also, STUDY ABROAD!!! My program allowed me to gain experiences and a world view on so many topics and was able to help me find myself and my future career path." - Michael Bannon, studied abroad in various locations in Europe
2. "Try something new!" - Margaret Benson, studied abroad in various locations in Europe and South Africa
3. "Don't think anything is impossible, be open to new things and embrace change! I joined two organizations that I would've never even thought of joining in high school and they changed my life for the better! I met the most amazing people that I will be friends with for the rest of my life in those organizations. So if one of your friends asks you to try out their organization, go for it because you never know how much it will leave an impact on your life. I also never thought I'd study abroad, but I got to my junior year and it was the best experience I've ever had. So, I highly recommend going abroad for a semester because it changes your perspective on the world and you gain friends from a million different places:)" - Stephanie Campbell, studied abroad in Japan
4. "Take advantage of every opportunity Tech has to offer. I randomly got an email about this program, applied on a whim without telling my parents. Got in and my parents supported me. I knew absolutely no one going on this trip, but I went and can honestly say it was an amazing experience. I have stayed friends with every person from the program including the professors!" - Leah Lord, studied abroad in various locations in Europe
5. "You truly are capable of anything." - Kayla Moore, studied abroad in Sweden
6. "Get involved! There are lots of opportunities to meet other Hokies with similar passions and values. Smile when you are walking around campus, and don't be afraid to introduce yourself to others!" - Azita Peters, studied abroad in Switzerland
7. "Be intentional and use this time to grow as a person. Connect with people. Join some of the many campus organizations and devote time to them." - Savannah Lawhorne, studied abroad in Northern England
8. "Another graduate from a few years back once told me to find out what you don't like so that you figure out what you do." - Shannon Reilly, studied abroad in Oman and the UAE
9. "Study abroad!!" - Alexandra Pena Matheus, studied abroad in Europe
10. "Pursue everything you're passionate about with eagerness and love! And don't forget to study abroad!" - Valeria Ortiz Gareca, studied abroad in Austria
11. "The four years of your undergraduate career are all about growth and development. Force yourself out of your comfort zone, apply yourself in your classes, and pursue your passions and hobbies as much as possible, so that by the end of your senior year, you can confidently say you are happy with who you have become." - Carla Garcia, studied abroad in Spain
12. "Treasure every moment!" - Jana Leotta, studied abroad in Switzerland and South Africa
13. "Take all opportunities given to you, everyone is so nice here and they want to help you succeed!" - Meghan Poole, studied abroad in Spain and Dominican Republic
14. "Take advantage of every opportunity you are given during your time here. Join clubs you’re interested in, go to every event that offers free food or t-shirts, introduce yourself to other people in your dorm, get to know your professors, STUDY ABROAD. And spend as much time with your friends as you can, because when you’re a senior, you’ll wish you could have more time with them before you graduate." - Katie Berry, studied abroad in Spain
15. "It's okay to feel lost sometimes, take advantage of the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone a bit." - Rachel Leonardo, studied abroad in Germany
16. "As cliche as it is, don't take things for granted. The people you befriend in college can be people you are close to your whole life. The four years in Blacksburg are so influential, and I would recommend holding these years with some weight." - Kyle VanDerVelden, studied abroad in Italy
17. "With everything you do, do it with all your heart. You'll never regret anything if you learned or loved because of it." - Aubrey Medina, studied abroad in Oman