"My name is Kyle and
I'm better at traveling
on a whim than I am at
making plans."
A senior from Wayne, New Jersey, Kyle is studying building construction with a concentration in sustainable building performance. He's passionate about sustainable building and property management. Through CISabroad, a third-party provider, Kyle studied abroad for a fall semester in Rome, Italy.
"I grew up in New Jersey with all 12 of my cousins on my mother's side living in the same town. I spent my childhood hearing about the old days of my family in Italy and other stories from my grandparents."
Kyle has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and hopes to own his own business. From his study abroad, Kyle published a book that can be purchase on Amazon showcasing photography from the experience. "I'd like to say I picked up many of my hobbies from my family. My passion for photography comes from the well documented photo albums my family has, and I grew up tinkering with projects with my grandfather around the house."
Q&A with Kyle:
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
I enjoy being creative, which sounds like a super general excuse for a hobby, but I think it covers all of my hobbies from working with my hands to making digital visuals like videos and pictures.
What is your dream job?
To work for myself as an entrepreneur.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
If I had the opportunity, I would choose to spend some time living in the town that my mother's side of my family is from. Although there are more luxurious places, stepping in the shoes of my relatives in rural Italy would be something that I would want to experience.
What is your life motto?
Find a job you enjoy doing, and you'll never work a day in your life. That's the goal.