Dear Global Education Office team,
Thank you so much for an incredible year. We each wanted to express our gratitude to you all for welcoming each of us with open arms. We will miss you all dearly!

Casey Molina
“My year with GEO has been nothing short of amazing. I'm thankful for the role this office has given me as a resource to students to go abroad and expand their horizons and for allowing me to realize that a global education doesn't have to end if you don't want it to! It's been a pleasure working in an office of people that have welcomed me and challenged me to expand my skillset, and I will surely keep this experience and my time here in a special place in my heart.”
Rebecca Poutasse
“I truly cannot imagine my senior year without GEO. From my first day going forward, I was welcomed with smiling faces, lively conversation, and lots of laughs. I’m so thankful for the experience this office has given me. Rommelyn is an absolutely incredible mentor, always willing to offer wisdom or advise, and constantly encouraging me to explore new areas of interest. I learned so much, made wonderful new friends, and truly had so much fun. I will miss this place and all of you tons next year. “
Christine Nassar
“It's hard to believe this year has come to an end so fast! Although I figured I would enjoy working at GEO, I didn't realize how much I would enjoy working alongside everyone else and getting to know them so well. I have a lot of thank you's that I'd like to give out! Thank you Emily for all of your travel advice - it's going to come in handy very, very soon! Thank you Marielle for chatting in French with me and teaching me random words in Dutch. Thank you Betty, Allie, Caitlin, and Martha for the endless supply of fun facts and intriguing conversations, especially ones discussing office snacks. Thank you Rommelyn for being an office mom who takes photos of everyone. Thank you Theresa for the unusually large supply of spicy peppers. Thank you Rachel for always being so positive and helpful in answering my questions. And lastly, thank you Shannon for always chatting with me, helping me answer complicated emails, and making the shifts go by so quickly. I'm going to miss all of you!”
Ahmed Aboutaleb
“Being the exchange student, I can very confidently say this was life changing experience. I really appreciate everyone in the office. Most of you won't notice the small things they did and the way they left a mark on me! Thanks for changing me GEO! Now it's time for a better me to go back home! Bye!”

Jena Sturm
“It’s hard to sum up this past year working at with the GEO team. Whether it was joking around with Marielle, hearing Allie talk about random disease outbreaks, or simply life talks with Shannon, I am eternally grateful to have worked alongside some the most generous and supportive people. I got to relive my study abroad experience each day by talking to students, but even more, I got to witness and share the excitement as they found their perfect program. Thank you GEO for the life lessons, endless candy and, of course, my newfound ability of cutting a million individual letters.”
Olivia Burke
“I had such a wonderful time working at GEO and I enjoyed getting to know everyone in the office! Thank you to everyone for making this such a lovely place to work and a special thank you to Rommelyn for being an AMAZING boss and wonderful person to work with! I gained so much from this experience and I'm grateful for the memories and for all I've learned.”