Calling all travel photo lovers!! Next week, you will have the chance to cast your votes for the 2018-2019 Global Education Office Photo Contest!

Each year, the GEO holds a photo contest to celebrate the various international experiences of students and faculty. This year, we received an incredible amount of submissions to the contest – almost 1,000 photos! It was a challenge, but we have narrowed it down to the finalists.
We have a panel of judges from various university offices casting their votes online, but we need your help as well. Here’s how it works…
We will post the photos by category. On Instagram, each photo gets a single post. On Facebook, be sure to check out the full photo album.
Like your favorites! Like = vote
We'll count votes from the judges and factor in reactions on social media
Then we'll announce the winners!
There are 6 categories:
Faculty/Staff: Apart from students, the Virginia Tech faculty/ staff also log some serious airline mileage. Between conducting research, teaching, fostering collaborations with international colleagues, and leading students abroad, faculty/staff spend time in all corners of the world. In this category, we invite faculty/staff to share with us those international experiences that extend the Virginia Tech reach.
Hokies go Global: In this category, we want to join your adventure(s). Show us how Hokies experience life abroad, including international students studying at Virginia Tech. Also, think about capturing your time in transit. You're likely to spend significant time on a plane or train – take us on the journey with you.
Spirit of Ut Prosim: No matter where you are in the world, the Hokie Spirit is undeniable. In this category, show us how you spread the spirit of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) around the world.
World in Motion: Finding beauty in those around you is one of the best things about studying abroad. In this category, the top prize will go to the student who best captures life in motion through the people, food, celebrations, and culture, etc. of those around the world.
Where in the World: Show us where Hokies have been. In this category, share the picturesque places your travels have brought you. Photo(s) can depict a landmark or landscape that is clearly identifiable as an international locale. You might consider capturing architecture and art including bridges, statutes, fountains, stairs, etc.
Instafamous Traveler: Calling all social media gurus! Use the hashtag #InstaFamousTraveler and use tag @vtabroad on Instagram. Show us why everyone should follow your feed.
2017-2018 Photo Contest Winners: click on each photo to see the photographer and category