In the fall semester of 2012, Keith Bardsley studied abroad in London at the University of Roehampton through ISA, a third-party provider. As a business major, Keith found that London was a great fit for him. After having GEO help him set up his experience, he returned to work as a peer advisor during Academic Year 2013-2014.
Keith looks back at his time at the Global Education Office with a laugh, saying that the environment was nothing short of special. Between pranks involving “stealing” a space heater from a supervisor and working with the other peer advisors, he has many good memories from his time with GEO. “It truly was a privilege to work there and it was one of the highlights of my senior year.”
After graduating in 2014, Keith participated in Teach for America (TFA) and taught Social Studies in Arkansas. He is now in the third year of his tenure with TFA where he advises students. He dedicates himself to developing opportunities to help students get into college and graduate. “My time in Arkansas has been wonderful. I have learned a lot about the world and myself and have met some amazing students and colleagues. We have accomplished some really cool things together.”
As an educator, Keith has realized the importance of experiences and opportunities outside of the classroom – a connection he’s made with his study abroad experience. “From my experience abroad, I gained independence, confidence, passion for learning, and appreciation of diverse cultures.”
Keith’s Tips
Don’t let things like cost, missing football season, or falling behind on coursework be excuses for not studying abroad. It is far more cumbersome and expensive to travel internationally after college.
Just absolutely do it. It will be one of the best experiences of your life and it will give you memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.