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Where are they now: Kevin Hopkins

Kevin worked at the Global Education Office in the 2014-2015 academic year as the Events and Outreach Assistant. While at Tech, he interned at Studierendenwerk Freiburg-Schwarzwald in Freiburg, Germany.

During his time in Germany, Kevin says he was inspired to pursue his graduate degree. Working in Germany made him realize the increasing importance of global economic integration and political interaction. Kevin is currently finishing up his Masters degree in International Affairs at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M. His studies have focused mainly on international development and economic policy. After he graduates in May, Kevin will begin working as an international transfer pricing associate at KPMG. He used to think that after college, his only international experience would be traveling for leisure, but after his study abroad internship experience, Kevin made working overseas a priority.

One of Kevin's favorite memories at the GEO was preparing for the Fall Fair in 2014. While it was challenging, he enjoyed getting the marketing materials ready, communicating with faculty, and organizing the logistics of the event. Kevin was also tasked with tying a few balloons down and half of them ended up flying away before the fair even started. He said it is a fond memory and brought a ton of laughs, as well as a new nickname. Someone on staff found it particularly funny that despite Kevin being an Eagle Scout, he could not tie a knot. From then on, he was lovingly named “Boy Scout.”

Kevin's Tips

  1. Everyone should get international experience during his or her undergraduate career because as your career progresses, it gets increasingly harder to go abroad.

  2. Pack light, Prepare thoroughly, and try to learn the language of the country.


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